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今天收到這條影片驚訝得很,感謝 香港小巷 HK Alleys 如此快速地翻譯了昨天的文字,還通宵製作...

【👊Update】好開心有咁多人支持香港小食店!想確認地點同meun,可以like佢哋Facebook專頁 Pop Up Wok,有咩問題可以直接Inbox 佢哋。 網站有見佢哋嘅創業理念:https://www.popupwok.com/ 同埋!!除左試食,我都同佢地做左個小訪問,想知有關英國創業嘅方法同困難,下星期留意Facebook啦! -------------------------------------------------- 自從搬了英國,我最渴望的,就是一串咖哩魚蛋。 兩個香港女仔Molly跟Lucia英國Master畢業後決定留英創業,開了小檔Pop Up Wok,將香港街頭小食引入英國周末市集!唔止留英港人食到魚蛋、燒賣,就連外國人都有機會一嘗掃街滋味。 在正式開檔之前,支持的大學舉辦了一場試食大會,好多外國人第一次食我們的咖哩魚蛋、西多士,睇下佢哋有咩反應先。 條片第一次配英文字幕,請多多包涵文法錯誤。可以Share畀身邊外國人知,呢啲就係我哋香港最地道嘅美食。將來去香港,都係佢哋嘅一個搵食指標。 思鄉嘅朋友,歡迎周日上來Newcastle Quay Side Market拮串魚蛋! 🔎【Quay Side Market有咩玩、有咩食影片】 https://goo.gl/M8wmUy -------------------------------------------------- Molly and Lucia are two girls from Hong Kong who have recently opened a stall "Pop up Wok" at the Quay Side Market in Newcastle Upon Tyne selling authentic HK street food. Fishball, Siu Mai, HK style French toast... those names may sound really strange to you, but they are actually famous, MUST EAT snacks back in Hong Kong. This video will give you a glimpse of a food tasting event they took part in, lets see what people from the UK think of it and hopefully you will feel inspired to try them yourself if you travel to Hong Kong! Welcome to share away with those who loves Asian food. :) 🔎 【Address】Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3DE Opens every Sunday 9:30am–4pm #非廣告純支持香港美食 ------------------- 👊 Follow我IG一齊遊英國❤ IG: instagr.am/misswinterinuk ------------------- 🇬🇧【倫敦交通片-蠔卡vs. Daypass邊款抵】 https://goo.gl/6ALvoT 🇬🇧【倫敦勁好食龍蝦包】 https://goo.gl/VujpuZ
